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Community Corner

Fair Haven Fields Natural Area Spring Walk/Talk Saturday

Learn about the trees you see while walking the trails of FAIR HAVEN FIELDS NATURAL AREA. 

The Spring Walk/Talk will be led by Local Naturalist Jeff Dement. Jeff is an ardent student of local history with a wide knowledge of local flora and fauna. Jeff’s philosophy is living in harmony with the earth.  He is uniquely qualified to lead an interesting walk spiced with insight and lore.

Meet in Ridge Road Parking Lot located on the north side of Ridge Road between Fair Haven Road and entrance to Methodist Church.

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All welcome but no dogs please; registration not required.

Walk/Talk program funded by those who contribute to the Natural Area through the annual Community Appeal.

Find out what's happening in Rumson-Fair Havenfor free with the latest updates from Patch.

Trails for us, the rest for Nature.

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